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Online courses & eBooks


Online learning has emerged as a convenient and effective method of education for many, particularly for those with schedules too busy to accommodate traditional classroom settings or travel to training locations. Similarly, eBooks offer a flexible reading experience, allowing individuals to enjoy literature in their own space, whether during a commute, on a relaxing train journey home, or paired with a comforting beverage.


Our selection of online courses and eBooks draws from the extensive expertise of Dr Nadine, a seasoned psychologist whose evidence-based Coping and Wellbeing Program, developed during her doctoral research, forms the core of our offerings.


Whether you have a penchant for engaging online courses or the discreet charm of eBooks, our resources are designed to be both informative and enriching.


Stay tuned for the introduction of new courses and eBooks in the near future. We encourage you to revisit this page regularly for the latest updates!



Online courses

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