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The Coping & Wellbeing Program

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Are you a stickler for evidence-based solutions?


Dr Nadine's evidence-based “Coping & Wellbeing Program” provides you with the tools needed to confidently handle stress and overwhelm and increase levels of wellbeing. 


Impressively, the program was proven statistically significant in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression!  How many training programs can make that claim?


The Coping and Wellbeing Program was developed for both guided intervention and self-help support, and is built from evidence-based theory and practice.  The program is a unique professional development and psycho-educational intervention which educates people on how to develop protective attitudes, enhance wellbeing, and subsequently increase their coping skills.


Using relatively straightforward and easy-to-implement strategies, the program assists participants in dealing with unhelpful thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, as well as providing stress management strategies, time management skills, communication and assertiveness tips, relaxation exercises, goal setting examples, and proactive wellbeing recommendations.  


So instead of reaching for that unhealthy option to try and erase the stress of your day, why not choose a healthier - and more effective, proven way of looking after yourself?  


This course can also be purchased as an online option with matching eBooks, or, if you are interested in attending one of our workshops or would like to discuss the possibility of Dr Nadine presenting a workshop at your workplace, please contact us now.


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